New England Pinball League
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New England Pinball League

Active from 09/03/2014 through 02/24/2020.

Played 17 seasons, 122 meets, 488 games.

Machine Summaries

MachineAverage ScoreHighest ScoreLowest ScorePlays
AC/DC LE (L&G) 11,636,420 33,128,420 3,057,580 17
AC/DC Pro (OLD Trinas) 6,261,230 6,261,230 6,261,230 1
AC/DC pro vault (SkyHi) 8,552,530 10,715,810 6,389,250 2
ACDC (FTJs) 15,933,120 40,080,310 4,768,190 6
Addams Family (FTJs) 23,021,920 33,499,200 8,532,170 6
Aerosmith (FTJs) 25,275,710 55,590,300 3,199,030 6
Alice Cooper (WPPP) 842,430 842,430 842,430 1
Amazing Spiderman (WPPP) 97,190 112,710 82,210 4
Attack from Mars (RIP) 3,773,037,370 3,773,037,370 3,773,037,370 1
Attack From Mars SE (FTJs) 1,031,528,040 4,088,593,250 86,730,130 22
Batman 66 (FTJs) 6,748,140 6,748,140 6,748,140 1
Batman66 (Frog) 49,103,320 49,103,320 49,103,320 1
Batman66 (SkyHi) 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 1
Black Knight: SoR (FTJs) 14,682,270 45,779,410 1,420,560 6
Cat Trek Next Gen (WPPP) 98,957,510 170,497,570 61,682,370 3
Cat Trek Pro (Frog) 10,324,510 10,324,510 10,324,510 1
Congo (SkyHi) 74,588,730 100,928,700 48,248,750 2
Congo (WPPP) 103,801,220 103,801,220 103,801,220 1
Deadpool pro (FTJs) 65,785,630 206,821,290 9,421,840 8
Demolition Man (L&G) 150,791,200 150,791,200 150,791,200 1
Dialed In (LE) (Arrrrrcade) 22,730 22,730 22,730 1
Doctor Who (Arrrrrcade) 139,034,250 139,034,250 139,034,250 1
Eight Ball Deluxe (WPPP) 12,500 12,500 12,500 1
ElviraHoH (FTJs) 2,109,710 2,109,710 2,109,710 1
EvelKnevil (FTJs) 78,030 115,360 47,900 3
Flat Top Johnny's Shootout (FTJs) 31,240,790 60,662,480 6,861,320 7
Game of Thrones (L&G) 55,670,140 212,654,050 4,493,900 10
Game of Thrones Premium (FTJs) 110,567,180 535,113,340 1,794,200 24
Game of Thrones pro (FTJs) 64,063,240 212,294,020 4,654,000 4
Ghostbusters (FTJs) 17,677,690 24,533,380 10,821,990 2
Ghostbusters (L&G) 20,632,330 53,504,740 2,859,070 4
Ghostbusters (Premium) (Arrrrrcade) 10,256,860 10,256,860 10,256,860 1
Ghostbusters (SkyHi) 19,675,190 38,667,370 4,692,390 5
Ghostbusters (WPPP) 25,429,260 25,429,260 25,429,260 1
Guardians of the Galaxy (SkyHi) 16,138,690 20,646,960 5,062,210 6
GuardiansGalaxy (FTJs) 32,277,190 171,203,510 4,009,790 20
Indiana Jones (Stern) (L&G) 12,659,720 45,522,690 1,092,220 8
Iron Maiden (Premium) (BMLCA) 62,734,740 62,734,740 62,734,740 1
Iron Maiden pro (FTJs) 37,687,450 127,481,060 6,224,580 7
Iron Maiden pro (SkyHi) 67,985,740 178,855,060 10,426,780 3
Iron Man (L&G) 4,873,110 10,019,400 2,309,110 5
Iron Man VE (L&G) 5,692,440 18,737,620 1,546,000 17
Jokerz (Mystic Pinball) 614,150 614,150 614,150 1
Junk Yard (Arrrrrcade) 4,161,970 4,161,970 4,161,970 1
Jurassic Park 2 (FTJs) 64,683,600 146,641,180 8,159,610 3
KISS (L&G) 19,829,010 57,108,470 3,645,080 20
Kiss Premium (RIP) 8,618,730 8,618,730 8,618,730 1
Medieval Madness Remake (Arrrrrcade) 4,099,660 6,506,490 1,692,820 2
Medieval Madness Remake (SkyHi) 11,007,710 32,925,650 1,562,450 9
Medieval Madness Remake LE (FTJs) 19,381,680 19,381,680 19,381,680 1
Metallica (L&G) 4,869,350 13,446,860 2,516,130 7
Metallica (Premium) (BMLCA) 5,084,100 5,084,100 5,084,100 1
Monster Bash (SE) (Arrrrrcade) 28,124,200 28,234,990 28,013,400 2
Monster Bash (SkyHi) 8,328,930 8,328,930 8,328,930 1
Monster Bash Special (FTJs) 11,941,420 32,482,760 1,616,020 5
Moonwalking Dead (FTJs) 18,446,540 53,217,910 7,282,760 19
Munsters (FTJs) 2,354,270 5,000,000 964,580 3
Mustang (FTJs) 13,067,870 13,067,870 13,067,870 1
Mustang (L&G) 24,190,690 52,612,420 6,400,390 6
Nugent (WPPP) 124,420 124,420 124,420 1
Pinball Magic (Mystic Pinball) 84,468,920 84,468,920 84,468,920 1
Playboy (FTJs) 96,290 190,960 29,460 5
PowerPlay (WPPP) 26,020 26,020 26,020 1
Quicksilver (BMLCA) 154,780 187,260 122,290 2
Revenge from Mars (Arrrrrcade) 35,550,200 40,251,661 28,515,460 3
Robocop (FTJs) 762,840 762,840 762,840 1
Simpson Pinball Party (Frog) 9,881,120 9,881,120 9,881,120 1
Skateball (BMLCA) 158,010 209,800 106,220 2
Sopranos (Frog) 10,490,770 10,490,770 10,490,770 1
Spider-Man (L&G) 16,682,180 49,130,310 4,693,060 13
Spider-Man vault (SkyHi) 23,727,320 48,816,000 6,777,190 6
Star Trek (FTJs) 18,825,020 76,191,390 6,136,090 15
Star Trek (SkyHi) 25,310,960 47,141,000 3,480,910 2
Star Trek (Stern) (BMLCA) 16,284,970 23,903,700 8,666,230 2
Star Trek (Stern) (L&G) 10,999,410 33,263,320 2,470,590 28
Star Trek 25th (WPPP) 14,460,650 28,893,460 27,830 2
Star Wars (Stern) (FTJs) 139,182,120 183,227,950 67,215,560 4
Stars (BMLCA) 81,970 81,970 81,970 1
Stars (Mystic Pinball) 114,420 114,420 114,420 1
Super Straight (WPPP) 501,800 501,800 501,800 1
Terminator 2 (FTJs) 11,728,280 11,728,280 11,728,280 1
The Addams Family (L&G) 13,940,560 32,639,070 2,646,690 4
The Simpsons Pinball Party (L&G) 1,249,340 1,450,930 1,047,740 2
The Walking Dead (L&G) 15,599,990 39,232,620 2,169,640 25
Theater of Magc (Mystic Pinball) 66,850,070 66,850,070 66,850,070 1
Theatre of Magic (RIP) 603,027,480 603,027,480 603,027,480 1
Tron (FTJs) 10,797,580 38,831,420 925,340 10
Tron (RIP) 34,863,350 34,863,350 34,863,350 1
Tron Legacy (L&G) 7,997,440 23,594,720 1,568,010 28
Walking Dead (Premium) (BMLCA) 6,846,470 6,846,470 6,846,470 1
Whoa Nellie (L&G) 983 1,221 627 5
Wizard (WPPP) 62,840 62,840 62,840 1
Wizard of Oz (Arrrrrcade) 95,500 95,495 95,495 1
World Cup Soccer '94 (BMLCA) 213,753,870 316,509,730 110,998,000 2
World Cup Soccer (FTJs) 290,203,570 500,263,870 149,232,470 5

Head to Head Results

OpponentWinsLossesWin Percentage
Adam Gorlovsky-Schepp2250.00%
Adam Meader8466.67%
Alex Karayan4833.33%
Allison Flintoff2250.00%
Andrew Berryman1325.00%
Andrew Ford2625.00%
Andrew Stevens1325.00%
Anthony Kret4450.00%
Anthony Radzicki195725.00%
Augustus Eustis51131.25%
Bear Brown61430.00%
Beata Henry40100.00%
Becky Woodbury1325.00%
Ben Goodwin5362.50%
Ben Webber4450.00%
Bernie Birnbaum4833.33%
Bill MacDonald1325.00%
Bo Williams12860.00%
Bob Davis2250.00%
Bowen Kerins1273.57%
Brad Iappini2250.00%
Brett Bybell91537.50%
Brett Jordan3175.00%
Brian Knolhoff2250.00%
Brian Pizzi3175.00%
Bryce Flint-Somerville1325.00%
Caitlin Barter7943.75%
Carla Tavares2250.00%
Charlie Morfill9281.82%
Chuck Webster31318.75%
Dagan Barrett1325.00%
Dan Apstein40100.00%
Dan McCarthy2250.00%
Dan Piantoni8466.67%
Dan Robinson101441.67%
Daniel Isberg4450.00%
Dave Bell1325.00%
David Schumaker5362.50%
David Whitlock2250.00%
Derek Karamanian3925.00%
Ed Giardina61825.00%
Eric Fennell5362.50%
Eric Geddes1325.00%
Erik Haynes1325.00%
Erin Seiden5362.50%
Gabby Cyrus3175.00%
Gareth Morfill3537.50%
George Pratt0120.00%
Hank Lashua121250.00%
Jack Jennings30100.00%
Jacob Gorlovsky-Schepp40100.00%
Jake Ford3537.50%
James McFatter1325.00%
Jason Aloisi1325.00%
Jeff Somers7187.50%
Jeffrey Bondorew1325.00%
Jeremy Jacobs6650.00%
Joe Hinkle1325.00%
John AsLanian2250.00%
John Manuelian2250.00%
John Tomsich2250.00%
Joost Mostert3537.50%
Jose Lozano3537.50%
Joseph Lemire2250.00%
Josh Trask2250.00%
Josh Wallis4450.00%
Kenny Johnson1325.00%
Kenny Weiner0120.00%
Kevin Conway040.00%
Kevin Duffy3537.50%
Kevin Johnson40100.00%
Kevin Wenrich2625.00%
Kristen Gregory2250.00%
Kyle Gale4833.33%
Kyle McFatter1325.00%
Leslie Kozloski1325.00%
Levi Michael40100.00%
Luis Lora4450.00%
Luke Richer14670.00%
Marissa Pratt81240.00%
Mark Almeida2250.00%
Mark Corriere1712.50%
Mark Ross133129.55%
Mark Seiden2250.00%
Martin Peloquin91932.14%
Matt Amann080.00%
Matt Guay1325.00%
Matt Wenger93918.75%
Max Fitzer2250.00%
Max Merfeld5362.50%
Michael Orlandi2250.00%
Mike Engel232845.10%
Mike Fratus5741.67%
Mike Grant3175.00%
Mike Saraceno2267.14%
Mike Schmitt1712.50%
Mike Schondek1325.00%
Mike Testa1325.00%
Mitchell Curtis3299.38%
Nathan Davis2250.00%
Nick Destefano040.00%
Nicole Bernier1325.00%
Noah Crable1325.00%
Noah Fiedler214730.88%
Noah Luskey1325.00%
Paul Flaherty2250.00%
Rebecca Pendleton3175.00%
RM Weiner5362.50%
Robert Cota4450.00%
Roger Silvestri3175.00%
Ron Lulfs2250.00%
Ross Bergen1325.00%
Roth Michaels3537.50%
S. Mark Wisniewski6650.00%
Samuel Bearg040.00%
Seamus Meader4833.33%
Sean Mulvehill2250.00%
Serjan Mut1233.33%
Sofia Manganella9756.25%
Stephanie Vecellio11568.75%
Stephen Woodbury1325.00%
Steve Feeney21016.67%
Steve Maddern3175.00%
Steve Matos143429.17%
Steven Amlaw1325.00%
Tasker Smith1325.00%
Tim Barter2625.00%
Toby Zimmerman111345.83%
Trent Austin1325.00%
Tyler Aas3175.00%
Zeph LaCapria2625.00%

Badges Awarded (34)

Super Jackpot
Super Jackpot
Earned for scoring 1,597 total league points.

Earned 06/03/2019 (New England Pinball League Summer 2019 meet 5)
Daily Double
Daily Double
Earned for having the top score for two machines in a meet.

Earned 09/26/2018 (New England Pinball League Fall 2018 meet 5)
Earned for playing 50 different machines.

Earned 09/05/2018 (New England Pinball League Fall 2018 meet 2)
Earned for completing 10 seasons.

Earned 06/24/2018 (New England Pinball League Summer 2018 meet 8)
Octuple Jackpot
Octuple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 1,200 total league points.

Earned 06/17/2018 (New England Pinball League Summer 2018 meet 7)
Hit the Mark
Hit the Mark
Earned for having a machine score ending in 000,000.

Earned 05/06/2018 (New England Pinball League Summer 2018 meet 1)
Septuple Jackpot
Septuple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 1,050 total league points.

Earned 01/28/2018 (New England Pinball League Spring 2018 meet 3)
Earned for winning your group in 3 consecutive meets.

Earned 10/22/2017 (New England Pinball League Fall 2017 meet 7)
Earned for winning your group in 2 consecutive meets.

Earned 10/15/2017 (New England Pinball League Fall 2017 meet 6)
Earned for winning a game with less than 20% of the league average score.

Earned 10/08/2017 (New England Pinball League Fall 2017 meet 5)
Sextuple Jackpot
Sextuple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 900 total league points.

Earned 10/01/2017 (New England Pinball League Fall 2017 meet 4)
Earned for duplicating a score previously recorded on a machine.

Earned 06/13/2017 (New England Pinball League Summer 2017 meet 5)
Earned for playing 30 different machines.

Earned 05/30/2017 (New England Pinball League Summer 2017 meet 3)
Quintuple Jackpot
Quintuple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 750 total league points.

Earned 05/15/2017 (New England Pinball League Summer 2017 meet 1)
Quadruple Jackpot
Quadruple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 600 total league points.

Earned 01/15/2017 (New England Pinball League Winter 2017 meet 2)
Close Shave
Close Shave
Earned for winning a game by less than a 1% margin.

Earned 01/10/2017 (New England Pinball League Winter 2017 meet 1)
Earned for completing 5 seasons.

Earned 10/24/2016 (New England Pinball League Fall 2016 meet 8)
Player For All Seasons
Player For All Seasons
Earned for completing 3 consecutive seasons in a league.

Earned 10/24/2016 (New England Pinball League Fall 2016 meet 8)
Triple Jackpot
Triple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 450 total league points.

Earned 09/12/2016 (New England Pinball League Fall 2016 meet 2)
Double Jackpot
Double Jackpot
Earned for scoring 300 total league points.

Earned 02/16/2016 (New England Pinball League Winter 2016 (season 11) meet 7)
Earned for having a 100% win percentage against an opponent in a season.

Earned 10/26/2015 (New England Pinball League Fall 2015 meet 8)
Game Room
Game Room
Earned for playing 15 different machines.

Earned 10/19/2015 (New England Pinball League Fall 2015 meet 7)
Billionaire Club
Billionaire Club
Earned for scoring a billion points on a machine.

Earned 10/19/2015 (New England Pinball League Fall 2015 meet 7)
Earned for scoring 150 total league points.

Earned 10/19/2015 (New England Pinball League Fall 2015 meet 7)
Earned for winning your group.

Earned 10/05/2015 (New England Pinball League Fall 2015 meet 5)
The Answer
The Answer
Earned for scoring 4+2+4+2 points in a meet.

Earned 09/07/2015 (New England Pinball League Fall 2015 meet 1)
Finish Line
Finish Line
Earned for completing a season.

Earned 06/22/2015 (New England Pinball League Summer 2015 meet 8)
Mirror Mirror
Mirror Mirror
Earned for having a palindromic machine score.

Earned 06/15/2015 (New England Pinball League Summer 2015 meet 7)
Old School
Old School
Earned for having a machine score ending in 000.

Earned 06/01/2015 (New England Pinball League Summer 2015 meet 5)
Best in Show
Best in Show
Earned for having the top score for a machine in a meet.

Earned 05/25/2015 (New England Pinball League Summer 2015 meet 4)
Most Improved
Most Improved
Earned for getting a personal high score on a machine you've played 10+ times.

Earned 05/25/2015 (New England Pinball League Summer 2015 meet 4)
Red Line Mania
Red Line Mania
Earned for playing in multiple "close games" in a meet.

Earned 05/18/2015 (New England Pinball League Summer 2015 meet 3)
Earned for having a machine score not ending in zero.

Earned 05/18/2015 (New England Pinball League Summer 2015 meet 3)
Red Line
Red Line
Earned for playing in a "close game".

Earned 05/05/2015 (New England Pinball League Summer 2015 meet 1)