New England Pinball League
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New England Pinball League

Active from 01/20/2014 through 02/18/2019.

Played 12 seasons, 60 meets, 240 games.

Machine Summaries

MachineAverage ScoreHighest ScoreLowest ScorePlays
300 (SNHPC) 60,410 60,410 60,410 1
AC/DC LE (L&G) 181,529,100 gold medal 595,941,880 40,440,520 18
AC/DC Premium (WPPP) 716,560,940 gold medal 716,560,940 716,560,940 1
AC/DC Pro (OLD Trinas) 21,203,710 21,203,710 21,203,710 1
ACDC (FTJs) 274,846,450 gold medal 274,846,450 274,846,450 1
Addams Family (FTJs) 23,658,420 23,658,420 23,658,420 1
Addams Family (Sinclair) 22,701,970 22,701,970 22,701,970 1
Aerosmith (FTJs) 532,268,780 gold medal 532,268,780 532,268,780 1
Aerosmith Pro (WPPP) 5,155,010 5,155,010 5,155,010 1
Amazing Spiderman (WPPP) 416,330 416,330 416,330 1
Attack From Mars SE (FTJs) 7,069,956,930 gold medal 17,500,000,000 621,200,890 5
BadCatz (PWA) 3,045,450 3,045,450 3,045,450 1
Banzai Run (PWA) 5,057,450 gold medal 8,842,310 1,096,770 6
BMX (WPPP) 1,281,870 1,281,870 1,281,870 1
Captain Fantastic (WPPP) 67,840 67,840 67,840 1
Cat Trek (Sinclair) 102,526,900 102,526,900 102,526,900 1
Cat Trek Next Gen (WPPP) 901,715,890 901,715,890 901,715,890 1
Congo (WPPP) 627,973,120 627,973,120 627,973,120 1
Creature from the Black Lagoon (PWA) 297,180,170 gold medal 297,180,170 297,180,170 1
Creature from the Black Lagoon (Sinclair) 113,565,510 113,565,510 113,565,510 1
Deadpool pro (FTJs) 497,963,610 647,695,480 245,419,960 3
Doctor Who (PWA) 231,222,720 gold medal 444,456,690 17,988,750 2
Eight Ball Deluxe (PWA) 397,080 533,090 261,060 2
Embryon (PWA) 154,000 154,000 154,000 1
F14 Tomcat (PWA) 1,142,200 1,142,200 1,142,200 1
Firepower (PWA) 736,900 736,900 736,900 1
Flight 2000 (SNHPC) 1,111,430 1,111,430 1,111,430 1
FunHouse (PWA) 17,858,510 gold medal 17,858,510 17,858,510 1
Game of Thrones (L&G) 3,021,021,220 gold medal 7,888,659,530 654,479,090 6
Game of Thrones Premium (FTJs) 2,214,742,480 2,817,657,230 1,611,827,720 2
Game of Thrones pro (FTJs) 2,981,382,640 gold medal 5,575,158,360 1,482,009,170 3
Genie (PWA) 299,980 gold medal 491,330 108,630 2
Ghostbusters (L&G) 380,537,920 gold medal 1,254,198,980 44,695,560 6
Ghostbusters (SkyHi) 454,590,650 454,590,650 454,590,650 1
Gorgar (PWA) 44,760 71,360 18,150 2
Granada (PBP) 48,430 48,430 48,430 1
GuardiansGalaxy (FTJs) 545,787,450 gold medal 1,304,013,390 52,599,310 5
Guns n Roses (WPPP) 2,846,219,550 gold medal 5,222,271,180 1,285,161,710 4
Harlem Globetrotters (PWA) 215,060 215,060 215,060 1
High Speed (SNHPC) 1,731,230 2,009,360 1,453,100 2
Hot Shot (SNHPC) 31,330 gold medal 31,330 31,330 1
Indiana Jones (Stern) (L&G) 114,046,070 149,324,000 78,768,140 2
Iron Maiden Premium (WPPP) 35,118,290 48,143,290 22,093,290 2
Iron Maiden pro (FTJs) 365,492,770 gold medal 415,062,440 240,090,150 4
Iron Maiden pro (SkyHi) 150,217,060 150,217,060 150,217,060 1
Iron Man (L&G) 72,078,280 gold medal 164,522,630 21,654,740 5
Iron Man VE (L&G) 40,431,280 101,133,770 12,789,830 7
Junkyard (PWA) 84,339,000 84,339,000 84,339,000 1
KISS (L&G) 118,318,290 gold medal 234,029,470 22,995,960 4
KISS (PWA) 192,900 192,900 192,900 1
Kiss Premium (PWA) 180,280,890 gold medal 180,280,890 180,280,890 1
Lord of the Rings (PWA) 24,136,210 24,136,210 24,136,210 1
Mati Hari (PBP) 448,870 448,870 448,870 1
Maverick (PWA) 212,696,700 212,696,700 212,696,700 1
Medieval Madness (PWA) 4,180,790 4,180,790 4,180,790 1
Medieval Madness Remake (SkyHi) 9,340,990 9,340,990 9,340,990 1
Metallica (L&G) 45,628,700 73,910,690 3,355,150 6
Moonwalking Dead (FTJs) 281,111,510 gold medal 597,493,110 80,363,950 7
Munsters (FTJs) 407,070,310 gold medal 407,070,310 407,070,310 1
Mustang (L&G) 143,986,710 gold medal 409,750,320 28,943,000 5
Mustang LE (PWA) 34,324,950 34,324,950 34,324,950 1
NASCAR (PWA) 33,002,230 33,002,230 33,002,230 1
NBA Fast Break (PWA) 52 52 52 1
NBA Fastbreak (SNHPC) 308 308 308 1
Nugent (WPPP) 50,410 50,410 50,410 1
Paragon (PWA) 159,780 237,320 82,230 2
PowerPlay (WPPP) 196,280 196,280 196,280 1
Quicksilver (WPPP) 163,590 163,590 163,590 1
Rescue 911 (PWA) 135,580,510 135,580,510 135,580,510 1
Revenge from mars (PWA) 110,153,260 110,153,260 110,153,260 1
Scorpion (PWA) 72,000 72,000 72,000 1
Silverball Mania (PWA) 10 10 10 1
Soccer (PBP) 18,920 18,920 18,920 1
South Park (PWA) 387,607,950 387,607,950 387,607,950 1
Space Invaders (PWA) 389,250 389,250 389,250 1
Spider-Man (L&G) 468,279,720 gold medal 2,533,447,860 25,932,530 8
Spider-Man (PWA) 28,150,520 28,150,520 28,150,520 1
Star Trek (FTJs) 125,798,550 gold medal 262,431,180 48,063,660 3
Star Trek (Stern) (L&G) 126,668,380 gold medal 325,675,850 7,924,210 9
Star Trek LE (PWA) 88,391,120 93,562,190 83,220,050 2
Tales From The Crypt (PWA) 319,317,520 gold medal 319,317,520 319,317,520 1
Target Pool (PBP) 969 969 969 1
Target Pool (SNHPC) 3,880 3,882 3,882 1
Terminator 2 (FTJs) 36,250,630 47,066,250 25,435,010 2
The Addams Family (L&G) 217,863,700 gold medal 483,748,250 63,513,870 5
The Addams Family (PWA) 129,422,850 135,076,720 123,768,980 2
The Shadow (PWA) 52,090,440 52,090,440 52,090,440 1
The Simpsons Pinball Party (L&G) 23,581,180 45,311,240 2,282,580 4
The Walking Dead (L&G) 82,880,250 199,045,370 11,304,210 4
The Wizard of Oz (PWA) 28,740 28,737 28,737 1
Theatre of Magic (PWA) 985,978,420 1,787,441,600 180,757,340 3
Tommy (PWA) 248,803,810 248,803,810 248,803,810 1
Torpedo Alley (WPPP) 9,076,750 gold medal 9,076,750 9,076,750 1
total nuclear annihilation (Sinclair) 3,053,980 3,053,983 3,053,983 1
Transformers LE (PWA) 27,800,940 27,800,940 27,800,940 1
Tron (FTJs) 68,742,350 68,742,350 68,742,350 1
Tron Legacy (L&G) 74,206,010 gold medal 211,701,020 10,856,000 9
Tron Legacy (PWA) 32,962,680 32,962,680 32,962,680 1
Twilight Zone (PWA) 124,848,130 124,848,130 124,848,130 1
Twister (PWA) 4,384,968,780 gold medal 4,384,968,780 4,384,968,780 1
Wheel of Fortune (PWA) 11,628,660 11,628,660 11,628,660 1
Whirlwind (PWA) 5,893,380 5,893,380 5,893,380 1
Who Dunnit (PWA) 4,966,865,080 gold medal 4,966,865,080 4,966,865,080 1
Wizard (WPPP) 73,210 110,400 50,960 3
World Cup Soccer (FTJs) 519,984,140 519,984,140 519,984,140 1
World Cup Soccer (PWA) 1,339,042,070 1,339,042,070 1,339,042,070 1
World Poker Tour (SNHPC) 73,972,150 gold medal 73,972,150 73,972,150 1
X-Men LE (L&G) 99,433,130 gold medal 151,370,000 47,496,260 2
Xenon (PWA) 133,890 133,890 133,890 1

Head to Head Results

OpponentWinsLossesWin Percentage
Abigail O'Connor40100.00%
Adam Meader40100.00%
Anthony Radzicki80100.00%
Austin Chenelle16866.67%
Bear Brown3175.00%
Bernie Birnbaum40100.00%
Bo Williams40100.00%
Brett Bybell29390.63%
Brian Pizzi40100.00%
Chip Morton10283.33%
Chris Varitimos3175.00%
Chuck Webster3175.00%
Cliff Cronis7187.50%
Dagan Barrett40100.00%
Dan McCarthy40100.00%
Dan Piantoni40100.00%
Dan Robinson40100.00%
David Schumaker6275.00%
David Whitlock40100.00%
Derek Karamanian3175.00%
Ed Giardina80100.00%
Eric DeFronzo40100.00%
George Pratt80100.00%
Gerry Pipes3175.00%
Greg Koker3175.00%
Hank Lashua3175.00%
Hugh Spahr6185.71%
Jack Jennings3175.00%
James Huff80100.00%
James McFatter2250.00%
Jason Dyer7187.50%
Jim Gianitsis40100.00%
John Manuelian7187.50%
John Tomsich1325.00%
Joost Mostert3175.00%
Joseph Lemire4450.00%
Kenny Bourbeau80100.00%
Kenny Weiner3175.00%
Kevin Conway80100.00%
Kevin Duffy3175.00%
Kristen Gregory10283.33%
Kyle Gale80100.00%
Kyle McFatter2250.00%
Leslie Kozloski5271.43%
Marc Patenaude40100.00%
Marissa Pratt6275.00%
Mark Ross15193.75%
Mark Schnittman3175.00%
Martin Peloquin18290.00%
Matt Guay13381.25%
Matt Osborn40100.00%
Matt Wenger21387.50%
Maya Nigrosh40100.00%
Michael Corbett40100.00%
Mike Engel15575.00%
Mike Fratus40100.00%
Mike Korcynski11191.67%
Mike Saraceno5362.50%
Mike Weiser2250.00%
Mitchell Curtis7187.50%
Noah Fiedler14287.50%
Rechelle Bryan40100.00%
Richard Karamanian80100.00%
Robert Price80100.00%
Ron Lulfs7187.50%
Russ McFatter120100.00%
Russell McClellan2250.00%
Samuel Bearg3175.00%
Sharon Hebenstreit27196.43%
Shawn O'shea120100.00%
Sofia Manganella40100.00%
Stephen C30100.00%
Steve Deprez7187.50%
Steve Feeney14287.50%
Steve Matos14287.50%
Steve Mossberg40100.00%
Steven Amlaw40100.00%
Steven Moran2250.00%
Tasker Smith40100.00%
Theresa Werth3175.00%
Tim Barter3175.00%
Toby Zimmerman120100.00%
Todd Nixon40100.00%
Tyler Aas40100.00%
Victor Larivee3175.00%
Victoria Shen40100.00%

Badges Awarded (42)

Earned for completing 5 seasons.

Earned 10/22/2018 (New England Pinball League Fall 2018 meet 8)
Octuple Jackpot
Octuple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 1,200 total league points.

Earned 10/15/2018 (New England Pinball League Fall 2018 meet 7)
Septuple Jackpot
Septuple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 1,050 total league points.

Earned 09/12/2018 (New England Pinball League Fall 2018 meet 3)
Hit the Mark
Hit the Mark
Earned for having a machine score ending in 000,000.

Earned 08/29/2018 (New England Pinball League Fall 2018 meet 1)
Earned for playing 50 different machines.

Earned 02/11/2018 (New England Pinball League Spring 2018 meet 5)
Sextuple Jackpot
Sextuple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 900 total league points.

Earned 01/28/2018 (New England Pinball League Spring 2018 meet 3)
Six Shooter
Six Shooter
Earned for winning your group in 6 consecutive meets.

Earned 10/24/2016 (New England Pinball League Fall 2016 meet 8)
Close Shave
Close Shave
Earned for winning a game by less than a 1% margin.

Earned 10/24/2016 (New England Pinball League Fall 2016 meet 8)
Quintuple Jackpot
Quintuple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 750 total league points.

Earned 10/17/2016 (New England Pinball League Fall 2016 meet 7)
Mirror Mirror
Mirror Mirror
Earned for having a palindromic machine score.

Earned 09/12/2016 (New England Pinball League Fall 2016 meet 2)
Quadruple Jackpot
Quadruple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 600 total league points.

Earned 09/05/2016 (New England Pinball League Fall 2016 meet 1)
Clean Sweep
Clean Sweep
Earned for having the top score for every machine in a meet.

Earned 05/18/2016 (New England Pinball League Summer 2016 meet 3)
Triple Jackpot
Triple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 450 total league points.

Earned 05/11/2016 (New England Pinball League Summer 2016 meet 2)
Earned for duplicating a score previously recorded on a machine.

Earned 05/11/2016 (New England Pinball League Summer 2016 meet 2)
Earned for playing 30 different machines.

Earned 02/02/2016 (New England Pinball League Winter 2016 (season 11) meet 5)
Red Line Mania
Red Line Mania
Earned for playing in multiple "close games" in a meet.

Earned 02/02/2016 (New England Pinball League Winter 2016 (season 11) meet 5)
Double Jackpot
Double Jackpot
Earned for scoring 300 total league points.

Earned 01/25/2016 (New England Pinball League Winter 2016 (season 11) meet 4)
Head of the Class
Head of the Class
Earned for making A Division.

Earned 10/26/2015 (New England Pinball League Fall 2015 meet 8)
Finish Line
Finish Line
Earned for completing a season.

Earned 10/26/2015 (New England Pinball League Fall 2015 meet 8)
Five for Fighting
Five for Fighting
Earned for winning your group in 5 consecutive meets.

Earned 10/26/2015 (New England Pinball League Fall 2015 meet 8)
Strong Finish
Strong Finish
Earned for getting a league high score on a machine in the final meet of a season.

Earned 10/26/2015 (New England Pinball League Fall 2015 meet 8)
Going for Gold
Going for Gold
Earned for finishing a season with the high score on a machine.

Earned 10/26/2015 (New England Pinball League Fall 2015 meet 8)
Earned for finishing a season with the high score on 3 machines.

Earned 10/26/2015 (New England Pinball League Fall 2015 meet 8)
Top Banana
Top Banana
Earned for qualifying for the playoffs as #1 seed in your division.

Earned 10/26/2015 (New England Pinball League Fall 2015 meet 8)
Earned for having a 100% win percentage against an opponent in a season.

Earned 10/26/2015 (New England Pinball League Fall 2015 meet 8)
Four of a Kind
Four of a Kind
Earned for winning your group in 4 consecutive meets.

Earned 10/19/2015 (New England Pinball League Fall 2015 meet 7)
Beating the Odds
Beating the Odds
Earned for exceeding the league average on every game of a meet.

Earned 10/12/2015 (New England Pinball League Fall 2015 meet 6)
Earned for scoring 150 total league points.

Earned 10/12/2015 (New England Pinball League Fall 2015 meet 6)
Earned for winning your group in 3 consecutive meets.

Earned 10/12/2015 (New England Pinball League Fall 2015 meet 6)
Earned for having a machine score not ending in zero.

Earned 10/05/2015 (New England Pinball League Fall 2015 meet 5)
Game Room
Game Room
Earned for playing 15 different machines.

Earned 10/05/2015 (New England Pinball League Fall 2015 meet 5)
Earned for winning your group in 2 consecutive meets.

Earned 10/05/2015 (New England Pinball League Fall 2015 meet 5)
Red Line
Red Line
Earned for playing in a "close game".

Earned 09/28/2015 (New England Pinball League Fall 2015 meet 4)
Best in Show
Best in Show
Earned for having the top score for a machine in a meet.

Earned 09/07/2015 (New England Pinball League Fall 2015 meet 1)
En Fuego
En Fuego
Earned for winning all games in a meet.

Earned 09/07/2015 (New England Pinball League Fall 2015 meet 1)
Earned for winning your group.

Earned 09/07/2015 (New England Pinball League Fall 2015 meet 1)
Daily Double
Daily Double
Earned for having the top score for two machines in a meet.

Earned 09/07/2015 (New England Pinball League Fall 2015 meet 1)
The Air Up There
The Air Up There
Earned for having the highest overall point total during a season.

Earned 09/07/2015 (New England Pinball League Fall 2015 meet 1)
Old School
Old School
Earned for having a machine score ending in 000.

Earned 09/07/2015 (New England Pinball League Fall 2015 meet 1)
Billionaire Club
Billionaire Club
Earned for scoring a billion points on a machine.

Earned 09/07/2015 (New England Pinball League Fall 2015 meet 1)
Earned for scoring 10+ points for 5 consecutive meets.

Earned 10/15/2014 (New England Pinball League Fall 2014 meet 7)
Power Points
Power Points
Earned for scoring 16 or more points three times in a season.

Earned 10/15/2014 (New England Pinball League Fall 2014 meet 7)